Alrabiah was in design progress the new ALCO pipeline to be connected to ALCO storage tanks for the supply of fuel located at Marafiq STG Units 5 6 Project and also to provide ALCO pipeline to Yanbu 2 Power Water Project Facilities.
The design objective was to define and outline the requirements of a new pipeline to provide a reliable transfer of ALCO from Yanbu Crude Oil Terminal to MARAFIQ Power Plant Madinat Yanbu Al Sinaiyah ( Area and Yanbu 2 Power and Water Project Fuel Facilities.
The Design and the selection of materials and facility was made in order to ensure that the Work has low maintenance and running costs In order to achieve the above requirements, the following were considered:
* Redundancy of equipment to allow for breakdown and/or during maintenance shutdown.
* Capacity and rating of pipeline and equipment to meet peak flow and operating pressure and temperature Achieving high efficiency for operation point of the metering system Corrosion protection systems Provision of two pumps and two suction strainers (One operating and one standby).
* Engineering design to Install 20 inch ALCO piping starting with hot tap tie in on existing 48 inch export pipeline at YCOT, this tie in is located south side of existing SAMREF metering skid and west side of the dike of T 9 Tank.
* Engineering design to install metering inlet block valve to provide emergency isolation from the main fuel pipeline to the metering skid as required in SAES Y 103 Basket Strainer unit will be incorporated in this skid.
* Additional pipeline branch connection and nozzles at the pumping station and metering station shall be considered for a potential future connection which may be provided under future expansion and modification project.